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52 WORLD GASTROENTEROLOGY NEWS JULY 2016 Editorial | Expert Point of View | Gastro 2016: EGHS-WGO | WDHD News | WGO & WGOF News | WGO Global Guidelines | Calendar of Events Report about Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses Workshop Zeinab Mustafa, RN Head Nurse, Endoscopy Unit, Ibn Sina Hospital, WGO Khartoum Training Center President, Sudanese Association of Gastroenterology and Endos-copy Nurses (SAGEN) Khartoum, Sudan Introduction The Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Nurses Workshop was held 29-30 January 2016 in Khartoum, Sudan in coordination with the 5th SSG Inter-national Conference. The workshop was a continuing education activity for nurses which was approved and supported by the Sudanese Society of Gastroenterology (SSG) and the Su-dan and London Association Medical Aid Trust (SLAMAT). The target group for this educational activity was nurses who work in endos-copy units and gastroenterology (GI) wards in all Sudanese states, as well as those in neighboring countries. In at-tendance were 75 participants, includ-ing nurses from various Sudanese states and six nurses from the UK. The aims of this workshop were to: • Improve the nursing performance in the endoscopy unit that lead to safety of endoscopy equipment, patients, and staff. • Optimize the professional status of gastroenterology endoscopy nursing. • Support national nursing societies and official bodies within interna-tional societies. • Create a lovely collaboration and good relations between nurses in and out the region. The Sudanese Association of Gas-troenterology and Endoscopy Nurses (SAGEN) did their best to prepare for this workshop. Day One The first day of the workshop started at 09:00. The President of SAGEN, Sister Zeinab Mustafa, welcomed the guests and spoke about the impor-tance of the workshop. The scientific papers presented included the following topics: 1. “Colonic Polyps Assessment for Nurses” by Sister Karin Smith, Nurse Endoscopist (UK) 2. “Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the Role of Nurses” by Sister Samantha Mitchell, Gastro-enterology Nurse (UK) 3. “Prevention of Infection in Pa-tients with PEG Tubes” by Sister Debora West, Endoscopy Nurse (UK) 4. “Assessment of the Awareness of Barbers Regarding the Transmis-sion of Blood Borne Diseases in Khartoum State” by Sister Nagla H. Eltayeb, Endoscopy Nurse, Soba University Hospital (Khar-toum, Sudan) 5. Hands-on training and exhibition by endoscopy company delegates Day Two Topics presented on the second day of the workshop included: 1. “Parenteral Nutrition - Nurses Role” by Sister Fatima Idrees, En-doscopy Nurse Lecturer, Nile Valley University (Khartoum, Sudan) 2. “Endoscopic Therapy with His-toacryle - Nurses Role” by Sister Sohair MohiEldin, Senior Endos-copy Nurse, Ibn Sina Hospital (Khartoum, Sudan) 3. “Infection Control Program in En-doscopy: Standard Precaution” by Sisters Joanne Fowles and Fiona James, Senior Endoscopy Nurses (UK) 4. “Dysphagia Etiology” by Sister Zeinab Mustafa, Head Nurse, En-doscopy Unit, Ibn Sina Hospital and President of SAGEN (Khar-toum, Sudan) 5. “Glypressin Administration and the Role of Nurses” by Hussam Galal, First Technical Nurse and Pharmacology Student 6. Hands-on training and exhibition by endoscopy company delegates Conclusion Participants were asked to evaluate the workshop. Overall, all participants rated the organization of the work-shop as “excellent” or “good.” Nearly all participants (92.8%) rated the presentations as “excellent.” Services, hands-on training, exhibition, and the social program all also received high marks. With regards to recommenda-tions, most participants commented on the short of duration of the work-shop, saying they would like for it to be more than two days.

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