The World Gastroenterology Organisation welcomes collaboration with corporations, non-profit organizations, and individuals to promote to the general public and healthcare professional alike an awareness of the worldwide prevalence and optimal care of gastrointestinal and liver disorders, and to improve care of these disorders through the provision of high quality, accessible, and independent education and training.
A gift to support the development of exceptional education programs and initiatives such as Train the Trainers, Training Center activities, Global Guidelines, and World Digestive Health Day (WDHD).
A travel grant helps WGO provide more scholarships to recipients to attend annual meetings and congresses. WGO has awarded hundreds of travel grants to recipients from our member societies to attend the World Congresses throughout the world. These scholarships support to offset travel costs to attend the meeting. Every dollar donated helps WGO award more scholarships each year.
A gift made to WGO in memory of an honored colleague or family member provides a lasting contribution to the field of gastroenterology, hepatology, and endoscopy.
A gift to WGO is a meaningful way to mark a milestone or a victory over digestive disease.