World Gastroenterology Organisation

Global Guardian of Digestive Health. Serving the World.


The WGO and TSG Training Center

Director: Professor Dilek Oguz and Professor / Dr. Ayhan Hilmi Cekin


The World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) and Turkish Society of Gastroenterology (TSG) Training Center in Ankara, Turkey, was inaugurated on April 10, 2015 in the newly renovated building that also houses the Turkish Society of Gastroenterology. The Training Center is under the direction of Professor Dilek OÄŸuz.


The Training Center mission is:

  • To give gastroenterology training to trainees from countries where this training is not available or suboptimal. The targeted countries are central Asian countries of the former Soviet Union such as Azarbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Formal gastroenterology training does not exist in any of these countries. Further, several countries located in the west (some Balkan countries) and east of Turkey (some countries in the Middle East and Africa) are also targeted.
  • To improve the learning process through effective teaching activities: conferences, discussions, workshops with animal models and electronic simulators, live demonstrations with patients, tutorials and interactive video and computer programs.
  • To provide modern learning tools to trainees.
  • To promote interaction between regional and international experts and gastroenterology and endoscopy associations.


The center is in the private building of the Turkish Society of Gastroenterology which is located in the center of Ankara. The Training Center has six rooms, a conference room, and a library of its own. Each trainee will have a one year training program in gastroenterology at one of the Gastroenterology Departments of the three university hospitals in Ankara (Ankara, Hacettepe, or Gazi Universities). The training program will last for 12 months. The program will cover clinical gastroenterology, hepatology, and gastrointestinal endoscopy. The center will provide accommodation and a monthly scholarship of $500 for each trainee.

Areas of Training:

  • Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology
  • Gastrointestinal endoscopy
  • Gastrointestinal ultrasonography
  • Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)
  • GI motility


Center Director: Professor Dilek Oguz and Dr. Ayhan Hilmi Cekin

Phone:   90 (532) 372 20 35

For information on courses, national and international trainees should contact:

Mrs. Sinem Ucak
Phone: +90 (312) 24 15 11

For more comprehensive information on the WGO and TSG Training Center, including the trainee application process, course offerings, and other details, please refer to the downloadable pdf:
Ankara Training Center Information Packet (Downloadable PDF)


June 2023, September 2023, December 2023, March 2024, June 2024, September 2024, December 2024

WGO-TSG Training Center.

The WGO and TSG Training Center.

Course attendees at the WGO and TSG Training Center.

Course attendees at the WGO and TSG Training Center.

Prof. Dr. Henry Cohen, WGO Past President, speaking at the Opening Ceremony for the WGO and TSG Training Center.

Prof. Dr. Henry Cohen, WGO Past President, speaking at the Opening Ceremony for the WGO and TSG Training Center.

The trainees and some of the members of TSG together at the Opening Ceremony for the WGO and TSG Training Center.

The trainees and some of the members of TSG together at the Opening Ceremony for the WGO and TSG Training Center.

The WGO would like to give special thanks to the the Turkish Society of Gastroenterology (TSG) and the pharmaceutical industry for their support and sponsorship of The WGO and TSG Training Center.

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