The New Delhi Training Center was inaugurated in New Delhi, India on April 26, 2015 as a WGO Training Center.
The New Delhi Training Center mission is:
The following facilities are available at the New Delhi Training Canter at Institute for Liver & Biliary Sciences:
The following trainings is offered in the following areas of hepatology (Hands-on):
The New Delhi Training Center offers
The duration of above training programs is modifiable as per the need and request of the candidate. Prospective candidates are advised to enter the desired duration of their training in the portal while submitting application.
The Teaching methods include:
All received applications would be placed before the Competent Authority at training center for decision and result would be communicated to the trainee in due course. In case of Hands-on training experience, prior permission of the Competent Authority at ILBS and National Medical Commission (NMC) would be essential [3-4 months time needed].
In case of a successful application, candidate will be communicated to submit online application to the National Medical Commission (NMC) for obtaining mandatory permission via following link:
Registration:, then,
Please note that the application fee at NMC as per current information is 5900/- INR (5,000 Fee + 18 % GST), subject to change from time to time.
For further information on courses, national and international trainees should contact:
Hepatology Secretariat:
CC: Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma:; Dr. Shiv Sarin: and Dr. Ankur Jindal:
Candidates are advised to submit their applications via:
Prospectus available at:
Training fee and hostel details are available at:
Center Directors: Dr. Shiv Sarina, Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma and Assistant Director: Dr. Ankur Jindal
E-mail:, and (please email Hepatology Secretariat and copy Director / Co-Director)
Phone: 011 46300000, Ext: 23395
For more comprehensive information on the New Delhi Training Center, including details of the course offerings, please refer to the downloadable pdf:
> WGO New Delhi Training Center Package (Latest Revision Nov. 2023) (
WGO New Delhi TC (Latest Revision May 9th, 2024)
June 2023, September 2023, December 2023, March 2024, June 2024, September 2024, December 2024
Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences